Christian-Pierre la Marca, cello
Released: August 2, 2024
NAÏVE V7364 (2 CDs)
Michelle Barzel Ross: Désenvoyé (2024), written for Christian-Pierre la Marca
Gramophone Review for Désenvoyé, January 2025
”I've especially enjoyed the many shapes and colours of the echoes across Ross's wistful Désenvoyé ('Unsent'), inspired by Schumann's hidden voices and the world of 'unsent' longings, with further references to Webern's little pieces for cello and piano.”
By Janet Banks, The Strad, January 2, 2025
“Ever the innovator, La Marca includes his own arrangements of works by Clara as well as some contemporary perspectives on the love letter theme. … Ross’s very effective Désenvoyé (‘Unsent’), with overtones of Webern, has the two instruments coming together then spiralling into space.”
Carr-Petrova Duo
Released: March 8, 2024
Michelle Barzel Ross: Where Things Weigh Nothing at All, for viola and piano
Textura Review for Where Things Weigh Nothing at All , June 2024
"The contemporary compositions make a powerful impact too. Its title taken from a line in Milan Kundera's The Book of Laughter and Forgetting, Where Things Weigh Nothing at All was composed by Ross in 2020... she is ideally suited for this album project...Pitched at a hush and with the instruments engaged in dialogue throughout, the piece swells from its fragile beginning into a dramatically intense and harmonically bright statement, momentum passionately building to two peaks until the music falls back into a less frenzied state...The affection Carr and Petrova have for the composers, be they living colleagues or late groundbreakers, shows in their deep engagement with the material and the seriousness with which they give voice to their creations. While these formidable composers and performers might have emerged during different time periods, they're united by the fearlessness of their expressions, and HERS thus registers as a triumph on more than performance grounds alone."
Vivaldi: The Four Seasons
With Eric Jacobsen and The Odyssey Orchestra
Epidemic Sound
Streaming available on December 8, 2023
Arlen Hlusko & Fall for Dance North
Released: March 10, 2023
Michelle Barzel Ross: Haiku
The Whale Song
Released: February 11, 2022
Buy Album + Streaming
Composed by Michelle Ross, 2020
Performed by Sæunn Thorsteinsdóttir, cello
I Care If You Listen Video Premiere: The Whale Song by Michelle Ross
Interview with the VIolin Channel
Violin Channel, February 22, 2022
The new EP was released on February 11, 2022, and was accompanied by a video by Lembit Beecher. The work originated from New-York based violinist and composer Michelle Ross' own improvisations and explorations with a cello. It begins with a chant inspired by Hildegard Von Bingen, telling a story of a whale and monks.
The Violin Channel recently discussed the new piece with Ross.
postrockcafe, A Closer Listen, February 18, 2022
"This fever dream of a release should catapult her into a new career phase"
Discovering Bach: Complete Violin Sonatas & Partitas
Released: March 1, 2017
Albany Records (TROY1662-63)
Jed Distler, ClassicsToday, July 2017
Artistic Quality: 8
Sound Quality: 9
"The delicacy and control with which Ross separates the A minor sonata Andante’s accompaniment and melody truly impresses, while the D minor Partita’s monumental chaconne moves in long, pliable arcs that enhance the overall drama and illuminate the music’s extraordinary harmonic terrain. No doubt this release represents a significant achievement for an interesting and serious-minded violinist, and I look forward to seeing where she goes from here."
Samuel Adler: Chamber and Instrumental Music
Released: December 3, 2021
Toccata Classics (TOCC0624)
Michelle Ross, violin (Tracks 2–6, 9–11)
Michael Brown, piano (Tracks 1–4, 6–11)
Cassatt Quartet (Track 12)
Muneko Otani and Jennifer Leshnower, violins
Ah Ling Neu, viola
Elizabeth Anderson, cello
Textura, April 2024
"Adler's fortunate to have as stellar a violinist as Michelle Ross in his corner for this release...who impresses on three pieces alone and as her partner on three violin sonatas. She also plays unaccompanied but on one piece only, 2012's In Memory of Milton, Adler's tribute to Milton Babbitt...Delivered with intense feeling and consummate poise by Ross, the compact Babbitt piece hews to an ABA form with an agitated central section framed by slow, lyrical episodes...the central “Lento espressivo” offsets its playfulness with lyrical poignancy beautifully rendered by Ross..Ross and Brown sustain a powerful connection throughout the sixteen-minute performance, regardless of whether the passages are torrential, plaintive, or brooding."
Jon Batiste | WE ARE
Released: January 22, 2021
Listen to MOVEMENT 11’
Listen to WORK IT OUT